IGNOU MarkSheet Not Received, Dispatch Status, Duplicate, Form

The final IGNOU Marksheet 2024 is delivered to students at their physical communication address after they complete all the courses related to their chosen programme.

Related Article: IGNOU marksheet download

IGNOU Marksheet Not Received? कैसे मिलेगी इग्नू मार्कशीट

IGNOU Marksheet Not Received – What to do? How can I check IGNOU MarkSheet dispatch status 2024? Can someone show me the sample or image of marksheet? I need my IGNOU provisional certificate – These are certain questions which students has been found asking online at various forums, search engines and social media platforms.

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Students has been seen asking questions like we have mentioned below:

IGNOU result 2024 has been declared, I have completed all my courses. Also, my Grade Card IGNOU 2024 has been updated as well. Now, I have to apply for admission to higher studies but I can’t do. I need my marksheet to apply for admission and I have not received it even after 2 months. How can I get it? Please answer me…

So, I decided to answer all these questions as per my knowledge & experience.

IGNOU Marksheet Status

Usually, the Indira Gandhi National Open University is supposed to dispatch the marksheet of student immediately after declaration of IGNOU TEE result. But, sometimes the university is not able to do it because of huge database of students and delay in result of other courses, semesters, etc.

As per my own experience, when I completed MBA from IGNOU, I received marksheet within 15 days after declaration of result. However, many students have been reported to be received their marksheet after one or two months also.

Even, sometimes students do not receive their IGNOU marksheet at their physical communication address even after completing all the required courses of their respective programme. It could happen because of many possible reasons. Some of the reasons has been mentioned below:

  • Either, the post man of the area is not able to locate the address properly and he/she returned it to post office.
  • Sometimes, the post offices deliver the marksheets of students to the IGNOU regional centre concerned and the students have to visit their regional centre to collect it.
  • The Indira Gandhi National University has not dispatched the marksheet from the Maidan Garhi head office.

IGNOU Marksheet Dispatch Status Online

After declaration of result, the Indira Gandhi National Open University provides the link on its official website where students can check IGNOU marksheet dispatch status online. But there is no specific time for the link to appear on official website of IGNOU university.

So, We would recommend students to visit their concerned regional centre and enquire about their marksheet.It could be possible that the post office may have delivered the marksheets to regional centre as mentioned above as well.

IGNOU Marksheet Sample Image

ignou marksheet sample, ignou marksheet image

Contacted IGNOU regional Centre but still IGNOU Marksheet Not Received.What to do?

Are you awaiting for your IGNOU marksheet for more than 2 months? Did you contact your concerned regional centre of IGNOU as well?

Answer: yes

Don’t worry, we have quick and fast solution for you. Students should immediatelty file an RTI (Right to Information) to enquire about their marksheet.This is quick and fast solution to get your marksheet. With RTI, anyone can seek any information from a government authority.So,the students should immediately file an RTI to know the status of their Marksheet without wasting more time.

Anyone can file RTI online at following government official website: https://www.rtionline.gov.in/

How to get IGNOU Duplicate Marksheet ?

The Indira Gandhi National Open University has provided an prescribed application form on its official website to get duplicate grade card / mark sheet. In the application form, students have to fill up their name, enrollment number, address, programme, Month and Year of exam, Centre from where appeared at  last examination, etc.

Along with application form to obtain IGNOU duplicate marksheet, students have to make a bank draft of Rs.150/- in favor of IGNOU, New Delhi. Both application form and DD of Rs.150 has to be sent at following address:

Registrar (SED)
Indira Gandhi National Open Univerity
Block 12, Maidan Garhi
New Delhi-110 068

For the student’s convenience, we have provided the direct link below to download application form:

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