IGNOU Percentage Calculator 2025

IGNOU Percentage Calculator 2025: How to Calculate Your Marks Easily

If you’re an IGNOU student trying to calculate your academic percentage for the year 2025, it’s crucial to understand how the calculation works. Whether you’re in your first year or second year of the MA programme or any other course like BAG, MSW, etc, knowing how to calculate your overall percentage is vital for tracking your academic progress. The IGNOU Percentage Calculator 2025 on IGNOUStudentZone.In can simplify this process and help you accurately calculate your marks.

Below, you can use our calculator to calculate your percentage.

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In this article, we’ll explain how the IGNOU percentage calculation works and guide you step-by-step in calculating your marks. Also, on this page, you can use our IGNOU percentage calculator tool easily to calculate your marks.

How Does IGNOU Calculate Percentage?

At IGNOU, your academic performance is evaluated using a combination of Term End Examinations (TEE) and Assignments. Here’s how the weightage is distributed:

  • Theory Marks (TEE): 70% of your total marks
  • Assignment Marks: 30% of your total marks

Formula to Calculate IGNOU Percentage:

To calculate your overall percentage for a course, follow these simple steps:

  1. Obtain Your Marks:
    • Theory Marks: Out of 100
    • Assignment Marks: Out of 100
  2. Calculate Weighted Scores:
    • Theory Weighted Score = (Theory Marks / 100) * 70
    • Assignment Weighted Score = (Assignment Marks / 100) * 30
  3. Total Marks = Theory Weighted Score + Assignment Weighted Score
  4. Final Percentage = (Total Marks / 100) * 100

Example Calculation:

Let’s say you scored the following:

  • Theory Marks = 80 (out of 100)
  • Assignment Marks = 85 (out of 100)

Here’s how you can calculate your percentage:

  1. Theory Weighted Score = (80 / 100) * 70 = 56
  2. Assignment Weighted Score = (85 / 100) * 30 = 25.5
  3. Total Marks = 56 + 25.5 = 81.5
  4. Final Percentage = (81.5 / 100) * 100 = 81.5%

So, your overall percentage would be 81.5%.

Use Our IGNOU Percentage Calculator 2025

To make this process even easier for you, we’ve developed an IGNOU Percentage Calculator 2025 exclusively on IGNOUStudentZone.In. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Enter Your Marks: Input your Theory Marks (out of 100) and Assignment Marks (out of 100).
  2. Get Your Results: The calculator will automatically compute your total marks and final percentage based on the weightage.

With this tool, you can easily calculate your percentage without any hassle.

Why is the IGNOU Percentage Important?

Your IGNOU percentage is crucial for determining your academic performance. It impacts your final grade and overall course completion. Here’s why it matters:

  • Complete the Course: You need to meet the academic requirements for completing your course.
  • Enhance Your Profile: A good percentage can open doors to further studies or job opportunities.
  • Eligibility for Scholarships: A high percentage may make you eligible for various scholarships or academic rewards offered by IGNOU.


Using the IGNOU Percentage Calculator 2025 from IGNOUStudentZone.In is the most efficient way to track your academic progress. By following the calculation steps or using our easy-to-use calculator, you can always stay on top of your marks.

Remember that your assignments contribute 30% of your total score, and Term End Examinations (TEE) account for the remaining 70%. Stay focused on both, and use our calculator to keep track of your results.

For more resources, solved assignments, and additional support, make sure to visit IGNOU Student Zone regularly.