Ignou BCA Question Papers

Ignou BCA Question Papers

Students who are pursuing Bachelor of Computer Applications programme from Ignou may require Ignou BCA question papers of last five or ten years to prepare for upcoming June or December term end examination.

The Indira Gandhi National Open University provides the link to download last 10 years BCA papers on its official website. Students can download Ignou question papers year wise from the website in the PDF format.

Sometimes, students face problem in downloading papers of the required course from university website as they find it difficult to search and download. There are more than 227 programmes offered by the university and the courses related to them are large in number.

So, to solve this problem and make it easy for the students who are pursuing BCA from Ignou, we have provided the direct link below to download Ignou BCA question papers.

Importance of Ignou BCA previous question papers

If you are appearing for the first time in the term examination conducted by the university, then you must download previous year question papers. It will give you enough idea about the pattern of examination.

I advise students to study at least last 5-year Ignou BCA papers as it contains all the important questions which may repeat in the upcoming exams.

Students can download previous questions for both June and December examination. Apart from Ignou BCA question papers, they should also download model papers, sample papers, etc.

Download Ignou BCA Question Papers

Here we have provided the list of Ignou question papers of BCA programme for all the six semesters for the year 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005:

1st Semester

FEG-02 Foundation Course in English-02  Download
ECO-01 Business Organization  Download
BCS-011 Computer Basics and PC Software  Download
BCS-012 Mathematics  Download
BCSL-013 Computer Basics and PC Software Lab  Download

2nd Semester

ECO-02 Accountancy  Download
MCS-011 Problem Solving and Programming  Download
MCS-012 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming  Download
MCS-015 Communication Skills  Download
MCS-013 Dicscrete Mathematics  Download
BCSL-021 C Language Programming Lab  Download
BCSL-022 Assembly Language Programming Lab  Download

3rd Semester

MCS-021 Data and File Structures  Download
MCS-023 Introduction to Database Management Systems  Download
MCS-014 System Analysis and Design  Download
BCS-031 Programming in C++  Download
BCSL-032 C++ Programming Lab  Download
BCSL-033 Data and File Structures Lab  Download
BCSL-034 DBMS Lab  Download

4th Semester

BCS-040 Statistical Techniques  Download
MCS-024 Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming  Download
BCS-041 Fundamentals of Computer Networks  Download
BCS-042 Introduction to Algorithm Design  Download
MCSL-016 Internet Concepts and Web Design  Download
BCSL-043 Java Programming Lab  Download
BCSL-044 Statistical Techniques Lab  Download
BCSL-45 Algorithm Design Lab  Download

5th Semester

BCS-051 Introduction to Software Enginnering  Download
BCS-052 Network Programming and Administration  Download
BCS-053 Web Programming  Download
BCS-054 Computer Oriented Numerical Techinques  Download
BCS-055 Business Communication  Download
BCSL-056 Network Programming and Administration Lab  Download
BCSL-057 Web Programming Lab  Download
BCSL-058 Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Lab  Download

6th Semester

BCS-062 E-Commerce  Download
MCS-022 Opreating System Concept and Networking Management  Download
BCSL-063 Opreating System Concept and Networking Management Lab  Download

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