IGNOU BCA Syllabus & Courses

Ignou BCA Syllabus & Courses – The Indira Gandhi National Open University has divided the Bachelor of Computer Applications courses into six semesters. Each course is having some credit value associated with it.

Here, one credit is equivalent to 30 hours of study.

The credit system is followed by the University to help students to study their Ignou BCA courses. It’s a three-year degree programme which has to complete in a minimum duration of 3 years and maximum duration of six years.

Related Article: Ignou Bachelor of Computer Applications

As I already mentioned above, the university had divided the Ignou BCA syllabus into six semesters. It makes it easy for the students to study the courses and write examinations.

In the first semester, the basic computer fundamental courses have been included in the syllabus to give students an introduction to the programme. The second semester is dedicated more towards programming knowledge, understanding the Assembly language, C language, etc.

The university has included the courses related to C++, Database Management, Java, Web design, etc in the 3rd and 4th-semester. It provides enough knowledge to the learner so that he/she will be ready to work on the project in the final semester.

Below, we have mentioned the Course Code, Course Name, and the related course credits.

First Semester

Course Code Course Name Credits
 FEG-02  Foundation course in English -2  4
 ECO-01  Business Organization  4
 BCS-011  Computer Basics and PC Software  3
 BCS-012  Mathematics  4
 BCSL-013  Computer Basics and PC Software Lab  2

Second Semester

Course Code Course Name Credits
 ECO-02  Accountancy-1  4
 MCS-011  Problem Solving and Programming  3
 MCS-012  Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming  4
 MCS-015  Communication Skills  2
 MCS-013  Discrete Mathematics  2
 BCSL-021  C Language Programming Lab  1
 BCSL-022  Assembly Language Programming Lab  1

Third Semester

Course Code Course Name Credits
 MCS-021  Data and File Structures  4
 MCS-023  Introduction to Database Management Systems  3
 MCS-014  Systems Analysis and Design  3
 BCS-031  Programming in C++  3
 BCSL-032  C++ Programming Lab  1
 BCSL-033  Data and File Structures Lab  1
 BCSL-034  DBMS Lab  1

Fourth Semester

Course Code Course Name Credits
 BCS-040  Statistical Techniques  4
 MCS-024  Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming  3
 BCS-041  Fundamentals of Computer Networks  4
 BCS-042  Introduction to Algorithm Design  2
 MCSL-016  Internet Concepts and Web Design  2
 BCSL-043  Java Programming Lab  1
 BCSL-044  Statistical Techniques Lab  1
 BCSL-045  Algorithm Design Lab  1

Fifth Semester

CourseCode Course Name Credits
 BCS-051  Introduction to Software Engineering  3
 BCS-052  Network Programming and Administration  3
 BCS-053  Web Programming  2
 BCS-054  Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques  3
 BCS-055  Business Communication  2
 BCSL-056  Network Programming and Administration Lab  1
 BCSL-057  Web Programming Lab  1
 BCSL-058  Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Lab  1

Sixth Semester

CourseCode Course Name Credits
 BCS-062  E-Commerce  2
 MCS-022  Operating System Concepts and Networking Management  4
 BCSL-063  Operating System Concepts and Networking Management Lab  1
 BCSP-064  Project  8

To check the Ignou BCA syllabus on official website, you can visit the following link: click here

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