Ignou Grievances Cell, Ignou Grievance Redress And Management (iGRAM),

Ignou Grievances Cell – The Indira Gandhi National Open University has set up a separate portal for its students to redress their grievances and issues which they may face while pursuing their studies. It is known as Ignou Grievance Redress Anad Management. It is also abbreviated as “iGRAM”.

Now, the higher management in the Indira Gandhi National Open University has become more active to handle all the grievances of the students. All the students have to do is to just visit the Ignou Grievance Redress And Management (iGRAM) portal and raise their concern.They will definitely get a response and solution from the Ignou officials within 48 hours.


Here is the screenshot from official website:

Ignou Grievance handling portal

Important link:

Just click on above link to file your grievance. All the students have to do is to select the Grievance Category, enter the Subject line and click on next button. Within 48hrs, students can also track the Ignou grievance status to know whether their concern has been seen by the university officials are not.

Because of huge number of students, It becomes difficult for the university to communicate with each and every student. So, the university publishes most of the important information and notifications on its official website at www.ignou.ac.in. Also, Ignou prospectus contains good enough information to solve most of the student’s queries.

Instead of availability of these information sources, there are many problems and difficulties which student’s may face during their studies e.g. While applying for admission online, their fee gets deducted but they do not receive any confirmation.

Same is the case during filling of Ignou examination form, the student fee gets deducted but their exam form submission status is not confirmed. Some of other difficulties face by students are like regional centre phone numbers are not working, They are not replying to student queries, etc.

Here, If we keep on listing the problems face by the students, then there seems to be no end. So, to handle all these issues quickly and more efficiently, the university has set up a Ignou Grievances cell which is known as Ignou Grievance Redress And Management (iGRAM).

The new grievance handling system has been developed to ensure that students must get reliable & accurate information.They should not face any difficulty during their studies in Ignou.

Students must get the timely reply from the university officials for the concerned raised by them. Also, they should be treated with respect & courtesy. In short, we can say that, the university has finally developed an effective feedback mechanism or Ignou grievances cell to handle student queries effectively.

I hope this article will help you in filing your grievances. If you have any query, you can ask your question in the comment section of this page.


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