Ignou Jammu Regional centre goes 100 percent cashless

Taking the PM Modi’s mission forward to make India a cashless economy, the Ignou Regional centre Jammu has become 100% cashless now. Now, it becomes more convenient for the learners to pay their fee and other charges.

The Point of Sale (PoS)/Swipe machine has been installed by Indira Gandhi National Open University regional centre in Jammu Canal Road office. It will lead to cashless transactions of fee charges for all the services provided by the university to the learners.

Now, the students will be able to pay the fee with their debit/ credit card for the services like Issue of duplicate identity card, Issue of migration certificate, change of elective/course other than the admission, re-registration and examination fee.

The Ignou Regional centre Jammu has made the announcement that it is going to be cashless from 1st May 2017.

The Regional Director, Dr. Joginder Kumar Yadav said that they were already carrying 99 percent cashless fee transactions. Earlier students had to pay the cash only for buying prospectus.

But now, the learners can buy prospectus by swiping their Debit/ Credit card at POS machine installed at Front Desk enquiry counter in RC Jammu.

Ignou Regional Centre Jammu Contact Details:

Official Website: www.rcjammu.ignou.ac.in, www.ignourcjmu.nic.in

Address: IGNOU Regional Centre,
Govt. SPMR College of Commerce premises,
Aurobindo Block,
Canal Road, Jammu-180001 (J&K)

Phone: 0191-2546529

Fax: 0191-2585154

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