Ignou MCO 1 Question Papers

Ignou MCO 1 Question Papers of Previous Years

Here, the students can download Ignou MCO 1 question papers of previous years. We have provided the direct links to download question papers of last 10 years. Before downloading the question paper, you must know some important details about this subject.

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In this article, We have also provided the link to download Ignou MCO 1 question paper June 2018, Dec 2017, June 2017, Dec 2016, June 2016, Dec 2015, June 2015, Dec 2014, June 2014, Dec 2013, June 2013, Dec 2012 & June 2012. It will help students in knowing the latest pattern followed by Indira Gandhi National Open University in the term end examination.

Related Post: Ignou M.Com question papers

Here are the details about the programme:

  • Programme Name: Master of Commerce (M.Com)
  • Course Code: MCO – 1
  • Course Name: Organisation Theory and Behaviour

Ignou MCO 1 Previous Year Sample Questions

Here are some important questions which have been taken from previous question papers of MCO-1. As these are important papers, so these may repeat in upcoming exams.

Ques1. What are the findings of Howthorne Experiments? Explain the relevance of these findings in organisations today.

Ques2. What is organisational change ? Explain Lewin’s model of process of change.

Ques3. Write short note on Job enrichment and Job enlargement

Ques4. State the significance of communication in an organisation. How can you make communication effective ? Explain with examples.

Ques5. Write short note on Delegation of Authority.

Ques6. Explain the two basic sources of formation of attitude. Discuss the processes of change in attitude with examples.

Ques7. What is informal power ? Explain different types of informal power in an organisation.

Ques8. Explain important factors affecting job satisfaction. Suggest ways to enhance employee’s job satisfaction.

Below, We have provided the link to download previous question papers of M.Com (MCO-1) course for the following years:

Ignou MCO 1 Question Papers of December & June Term End Exams

Ignou MCO 1 Solved Question Papers

If you are looking for previous year solved question papers of MCO-1 Organisation Theory and Behaviour course, please send email at [email protected] or WhatsApp at 7428482160


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