IGNOU Passing Marks out of 25, 50, 70, 75 or 100

At Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), many students have questions about passing marks in theory exams, assignments, and projects. This can get even more confusing when different courses use various mark scales like 25, 50, 70, 75, or 100. Students face a lot of difficulty in calculating their passing marks. So, let’s simplify things for you in this article, making it easy to understand IGNOU passing marks.

The minimum passing marks required to pass a course at IGNOU are as follows:

  1. Theory Courses: To pass a theory course, you need to achieve a combined minimum of 40% marks in both the written examination and assignments.
  2. Practical Courses: For practical courses, you must secure a minimum of 40% marks in the practical examination.
  3. Project/Dissertation: In projects and dissertations, a minimum of 50% marks is required to pass.

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IGNOU passing marks for Theory, Assignments and Project

At Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), to successfully complete a course, students must pass both the theory exam and assignments separately. Assignments account for 30% of the final marks, while the Term-End Theory Exam (TEE) contributes the remaining 70%.

Let’s take an example: If a student scores 50 marks in the assignment and 40 marks in the TEE, the final result for that course is calculated as follows:

Assignment Marks (50) x 0.3 (30%) + Theory Exam Marks (40) x 0.7 (70%) = 15 marks for assignments + 28 marks for theory exams = Total of 43 marks.

This method serves as an Ignou grade card percentage calculator online to determine the total marks.

However, if a student passes the theory exams but does not pass the assignment, they will need to re-submit the IGNOU Solved assignment to secure the minimum passing marks for that course.

IGNOU BAG passing marks

At IGNOU, the way they assess the Bachelor of Arts (General) (BAG) students is quite different from traditional universities. They use a few methods to evaluate your performance:

  1. Self-assessment exercises: These are like mini quizzes or checks in your study materials to help you see how well you’re understanding the material as you go along.
  2. Continuous evaluation: This mostly involves assignments that your tutors grade. Sometimes, depending on the course, you might also do practical assignments, attend seminars or workshops, or have extra contact with teachers. These all add up to your ongoing assessment.
  3. Term End Examinations: IGNOU holds final exams for all courses, which are a big part of how they decide your grades.
  4. Project/Practical work: Some courses might need you to do a project or practical work, and they’ll grade it based on what you’ve done.

So, the evaluation of IGNOU BAG programme has two parts: the assignments you do during the course (which make up 30% of your grade), and the final exam at the end (which makes up the other 70%).

IGNOU uses a grading system for both your ongoing assignments and your final exams. They give you letter grades like A+, A, B+, B, and so on. It’s all on a ten-point scale to show how well you’ve done in your studies.

Here’s the tabular representation of IGNOU BAG passing marks:

Letter GradeNumerical GradePercentage Range
O (Outstanding)10> 85
A+ (Excellent)9> 75 to < 85
A (Very Good)8> 65 to < 75
B+ (Good)7> 55 to < 65
B (Above Average)6> 50 to < 55
C (Average)5> 40 to < 50
D (Pass)4> 35 to < 40
F (Fail)0< 35
Ab (Absent)0Absent

To earn your BAG degree at IGNOU, you need to score at least 35% marks (Grade D) in both your continuous evaluation (assignments) and the term-end examination for each course. In total, you must also maintain at least 35% marks (Grade D) in each course to qualify for the degree.

It means the IGNOU BAG passing marks in both assignments and Theory exams separately are 35%. It means students have to achieve minimum of 35 marks out of 100 in BAG theory exams as well as Assignments.

Remember, your continuous evaluation scores and term-end examination scores are counted separately to decide if you pass the course

If you don’t pass the term-end examination, you can retake it in the following year. This means you can attempt the first-year course’s term-end examination in the second year of your studies. However, you can only take exams for up to 48 credits in one term-end examination. Additionally, you have the option to carry over first and second-year courses into the third year if needed.

IGNOU Passing marks for Other Bachelor Degree Programmes

Students pursuing a Bachelor’s degree program (BDP) from Indira Gandhi National Open University often face challenges in grasping the passing marks required for their courses. Let’s break down the passing marks for various IGNOU courses, focusing on BDP foundation courses (8 credits), BDP elective courses (4 credits), and other elective courses.

Foundation Courses (8 Credits)

In foundation courses, students need to secure a minimum of 35 marks out of 100 in the theory examination to pass. Additionally, a minimum of 50% marks is required in assignments. For instance, if a student scores at least 35 marks out of 100 in theory exams and 50 out of 100 in assignments for a particular course, they will pass that course.

If a student fails to attain passing marks in either the 50, 70, or 100 marks category, they will need to reappear in the upcoming examination for that specific course.

Elective Courses (4 Credits)

For elective courses with 4 credits, students must secure a minimum of 18 marks out of 50 in the theory examination to pass. The passing marks for assignments remain the same: a minimum of 50% marks.

Elective Courses (2 Credits)

In elective courses with 2 credits, where the maximum theory exam marks are 25, students must achieve a minimum of 9 marks out of 25 to pass the theory exams. Alongside this, they need to obtain 50% marks in assignments.

Elective Courses (6 Credits)

For elective courses with 6 credits, where the maximum theory exam marks are 75, students need to achieve a minimum of 27 marks out of 75 to pass the theory exam. The passing marks for assignments in these courses remain the same: a minimum of 50% marks.

There are a few courses where the maximum exam marks are 70. For these courses, the passing marks are set at 24 out of 70.

Understanding these passing marks is crucial for successfully completing your courses at IGNOU and progressing in your academic journey

Passing marks in IGNOU for Master Degree Programmes

For students pursuing Master’s Degree programs at Indira Gandhi National Open University, like M.Com, MCA, MBA, MA, MEG, MEC, MAPC, and MCom, the minimum required marks for passing a course are 40 out of 100 in theory exams. Additionally, a minimum of 50% marks is needed in assignments to successfully complete the course.

IGNOU Passing marks in Projects

For project submissions, students must achieve a minimum of 50% marks to successfully complete them. Otherwise, they will need to resubmit their project work.

In this article, we’ve provided the 2025 passing marks for various Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses at IGNOU. It’s important to note that the passing marks for other courses like BAG, BSCG, BCOMG, B.Com, BBA, BA, B.Sc., and others remain consistent with the criteria mentioned above.


IGNOU offers a variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses with different assessment patterns, but the general rule for passing marks is that students must achieve a minimum of 40% in theory exams and practicals. The specific passing marks for each course, based on total marks, can be 25, 50, 70, 75, or 100. Students are advised to carefully read the guidelines for each program and course, as they may vary slightly. It is always recommended to focus on both theory and internal assessments to ensure a comprehensive understanding and secure a passing grade.

By keeping these guidelines in mind, you can navigate through your IGNOU courses with confidence, knowing what is expected of you to pass and succeed.

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