IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25

IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024-25

The students of Indira Gandhi National Open university work very hard to secure good marks in the theory examination but they usually ignore the importance of Ignou assignments. So, after reading this article, they will come to know how important are Ignou solved assignments 2024-25  to appear in upcoming examination. Check guidelines to make a good IGNOU Assignment Front page.

Solved assignments are very important part of Ignou studies. The students need to obtain the minimum passing marks in both term end theory as well as in Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA).

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As already mentioned in the Student handbook & prospectus, the learners need to submit one Tutor Marked assignment for each course which required it and also for which they are going to appear for the upcoming examination.

Note: If you need any help in solving assignments, you can send email at  [email protected] or Contact us on WhatsApp at 7428482160

Download IGNOU Assignments 2024-25

The university provides the latest assignment question papers for all the courses in the form of separate booklets on its official website.The 30% weightage is given to the assignments in the final marks.

To appear in the term end examinations, it is compulsory to submit the Ignou solved assignments 2024-25 for the respective courses. The learners who are enrolled in any of the Bachelor or Master degree programme are advised to carefully read all the instructions and guidelines to make good assignments.

These assignments are valid for two latest admission cycles i.e July and January.

The assignments have to be submitted at the concerned Study Centre. The last date to submit the solved assignments for both June or December term-end examinations can be checked in the question booklet.

We have provided the link below to download the Ignou assignment question papers:

Importance of IGNOU Solved Assignments

The Indira Gandhi National Open university offers the various programmes such as Master Degree (MBA, MCA, M.Com, MSW, MA, M.Sc, M.Ed., MTM), Bachelor Degree (BAG, BCOMG, BSCG, BA, B.Sc., BSW, BCA, B.Com, B.Ed, BTS, BAVTM), Diploma, Certificate, etc. in both January and July sessions of admission.

To successfully complete these disciplines within the minimum or maximum duration which is allowed by the university, the learners need to get the passing marks in the Term End Theory exams and Ignou solved assignments for all the required number of courses for a particular discipline.

Below we have mentioned a list of very important programmes for which the students need to make the assignments. These are as follows:-

We hope this article will motivate you to make good IGNOU solved assignments 2024-25 to secure good marks.

Best of Luck!


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